Cato the Censor - traduzione in Inglese
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Cato the Censor - traduzione in Inglese

Cato the elder; Marcus Porcius Cato Senior; Marcus Porcius Priscus Cato; Marcus Portius Cato; Cato Major; Cato the Censor; Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder; Catone censor; Marcus Cato; Marcus Procius Cato; Cato Maior; Cato The Major; Cato The Elder; Cato The Censor; Marcus Portius Cato the Elder; Catonian; M. Porcius Cato; Cato (elder); Marcus Porcius Cato, the Elder; Marcus Porcius Censorinus Cato
  • Hannibal and his men crossing the Alps]]
  • [[Hispania]] in 197 BC
  • Italian translation of ''De re rustica'' (1794)
  • The theatre at [[Tusculum]]

Cato the Censor         
n. Cato el Censurador, Marcus Porcius Cato, Cato el Viejo (234 -149 a.C.), estadista y famoso soldado romano, escritor de la primera Historia de Roma
Cato the Elder         
n. Cato el Viejo, Marcus Porcius Cato, Cato el Censurador (234 -149 a.C.), estadista y famoso soldado romano, escritor de la primera Historia de Roma
Cato the Younger         
  • Ruins of the [[Temple of Castor and Pollux]] in the [[Roman Forum]]. The ruins visible today date to the time of Tiberius.
  • Propaganda cup of Cato (the cup to the left, the one to the right being dedicated to [[Catiline]]), for his canvass for the plebeian tribunate of 62 BC. These cups, filled with food or drinks, were distributed in the streets to the people, and bore an inscription supporting the candidate to the election.
  • An 1889 depiction by [[Cesare Maccari]] of Cicero, then consul, speaking against Catiline, at right.
  • chapter-url=}}</ref>
  • Louvre Museum]]. He is about to kill himself while reading the ''[[Phaedo]]'', a dialogue of [[Plato]] which describes the death of Socrates. The statue was begun by [[Jean-Baptiste Roman]] ([[Paris]], 1792–1835) using white [[Carrara]] marble. It was finished by [[François Rude]] ([[Dijon]], 1784 – Paris, 1855).
  • p=301}}
Cato of Utica; Cato Uticensis; Marcus Porcius Cato, the Younger; Cato the younger; Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis; Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis; Cato Minor; Marcus Porcius Catō Uticensis; Uticensis; Marcus Porcius Cato the Younger; Marcus Porcius Cato The Younger; Cato The Younger; Cato Of Utica; Marcus Porcius Uticensis Cato
n. Cato el Jóven, Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis (95-46 a.C.), estadista en rl último período de la República Romana, bisnieto de Cato el Viejo


cato1 (del port. "cato") m. Sustancia medicinal *astringente que se extrae del tronco de una especie de acacia y de los frutos verdes. Tierra japónica.
cato2 (Bol.) m. Medida de *superficie equivalente a 40 varas en cuadro.
cato3, -a adj. y, aplicado a personas, también n. Se aplica a los individuos de un pueblo *germano que habitó el territorio de los ducados de Hesse, Nassau y Westfalia.


Cato the Elder

Marcus Porcius Cato (; 234–149 BC), also known as Cato the Censor (Latin: Censorius), the Elder and the Wise, was a Roman soldier, senator, and historian known for his conservatism and opposition to Hellenization. He was the first to write history in Latin with his Origines, a now fragmentary work on the history of Rome. His work De agri cultura, a rambling work on agriculture, farming, rituals, and recipes, is the oldest extant prose written in the Latin language. His epithet "Elder" distinguishes him from his great-grandson Cato the Younger, who opposed Julius Caesar.

He came from an ancient Plebeian family who were noted for their military service. Like his forefathers, Cato was devoted to agriculture when not serving in the army. Having attracted the attention of Lucius Valerius Flaccus, he was brought to Rome and began to follow the cursus honorum: he was successively military tribune (214 BC), quaestor (204), aedile (199), praetor (198), consul (195) together with Flaccus, and censor (184). As praetor, he expelled usurers from Sardinia. As censor, he tried to save Rome's ancestral customs and combat Hellenistic influences.